Latest — 25 Mar 2025 Hygiene is not health Being clean for the sake of being clean is a dubious luxury or social expectation but not a physical necessity
Corrupt cops & pro-police bar associations Together with an irredeemably corrupt state-cum-federal court system, complicit in an absolute and total denial of gun rights
U.S. att’y resigned one day before Trump took office & now found dead Sudden death at 43? No decent healthcare for federal employees, let alone the rest of us in this medically crippled country?
Sketchy clubhouses, expensive real estate communities & exclusive hang-outs for the rich & powerful Places for rich people to “hang out,” get bilked out of their money and charged for sex
The sniper’s nest Not just Sudan. Think about the unrestrained urban warfare that is coming to all medium and larger cities in the United States.
Meaningless gun rights bills of little or no substance in Congress Swarms of gun-grabbing officers are already breaking the 2nd Amendment and all laws ever made in pursuance of it. Without holding them accountable, what is the sense of passing yet more unenforceable laws on top of hundreds of burdensome, unconstitutional and ultimately void regulations?
ATF: a shifty government agency with a shady history Fishy government deals in smoke-filled back rooms