Are Jews communists?
Perhaps some secular Jews but certainly not religious Jews.
I’ve heard some Jewish people talk about kibbutzim which are communes or communal farms where everything is practically owned in common by the members of them. It could be an extended family or almost a tribe, but where do the Ten Commandments fit in with that?
Every one of the Ten Commandments and the whole law of Moses condemns communism in every form. There is only one God, and the whole Law protects private property, traditional marriages, and the sanctity of individual lives, while espionage and busybodies in other men’s matters are harshly condemned.
The whole world is cursed under the law, and the men who have seized control of the “common good” or “common goods” for the whole world accomplish nothing by such and such vain works of benevolence or altruism. The very fact that they have seized such power and control over common resources and “critical infrastructure” makes us jaded to their good works.
I’m sorry but there’s City Hall, there are local sales taxes, local business and occupations taxes, local property taxes, local income taxes and long lists of foreclosures for taxes every year in the newspaper. The benefits of public libraries, fire departments, city police departments, school districts, parks and recreation districts, and so on and so forth come at the cost of the destruction of the lives and families of those unable to afford the exorbitant taxes to pay for the standards of living others wish to impose on them and charge them for.
And again, at the low-class locker room level downtown, we really don’t get any help at all holding Jews to the Ten Commandments, not to kill, steal, commit adultery and covet their neighbors’ wives, livestock and houses etc. with such excessive property taxes and all sorts of other taxes. And communist sympathizer cops, firefighters and EMTs, too. And we the people aren’t exactly permitted to possess or carry firearms around them either.