At least some credit to Israeli police
For having any standards at all for what's taught to children, but plenty of other issues unresolved
It's all a show being put on for us, though. Both the woke gay children’s lit and the cops who show up to confiscate it. There’s a child pornography problem, and the smut just keeps showing up no matter what. Realizing that’s in a country where cops decide what the law is, and wheel and deal how the law should be applied in various circumstances, unless you want to go to court on it, and then different judges have different opinions, and you might have better luck in some courts than others.

So this is where the police corruption in America is coming from, and where the police union takeover of America is being dictated from. The whole Israel / Palestine mess, and all the kosher / halal food served by street vendors on sidewalks in New York City.

The State Prosecutor's Office said the reason for the police's physical conduct in the arrest was 'unlcear' [sic]
Low-class beat cops and nothing that will stick in court. As usual. How did Jews ever learn to get along so well with dirty cops since the Holocaust and Second World War?

Women typically “bear” children; men are biologically unable to do so, but that’s a lot of waist-long hair, inch-long fingernails, lipstick, nail polish, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings to be “disproportionately” affected by war or “bear” the brunt of violence. Maybe it’s a weight or body image problem if some of these women feel disproportionate. It’s the type of women who call male cops on other men all the time, and then complain when the male cops themselves don’t treat them any better than average men in civilian or non-police military occupations do. Absent any law or order, a woman who calls cops in such a district is essentially calling a new boyfriend to get rid of an old or unwanted boyfriend.
And what do you know? Women who aren’t obese, fat and flabby are called “hardcore” in the industry.