Too many ladies’ nights out And what exactly is the difference exactly between Alcohol-Related Liver Disease and Hepatitis C?
Actual physical combat in and around the Pentagon? Probably, they are dressing up a little bit and discouraging the very suggestion.
Circumcison, uncircumcision and gender reassignment surgery And wouldn't the performers of such abominations prefer so much that we just left them to their devices?
Rare earth mineral deal falls through Zelenskyy flashes the rare earth jewelry, and his demand of “10% for the big guy” still stands. Just how much does he expect us to pony up, when we aren’t getting our fair share of the deal?
Diversity + Equity + Inclusion = Waste + Fraud + Abuse If words actually meant anything, it might be possible to reason with these people, but DEI is merely a political catchphrase for general wokeness.
Nuclear warfare is Biblical There is nothing new under the sun. Albert Einstein solved the equations that described the conversion of matter into heat by the ratio of E=mc², but he didn't invent the nuclear bomb. Pitchblende ore has existed since time immemorial and men have mined it and made use of it in war.
FAA learns to get off the property Meeting and greeting pilots and drug dealers isn’t always an advantage.