Catholic "conversion therapy"

And other multi-tier religions like Mormonism with no admittance to the inner sanctum

Here's the problem with Catholic churches. They make such a distinction between wealthy and middle class parishioners and the poor who receive charity or similar benefits but are not allowed to marry or receive communion or other ordinances of grace. Otherwise just invite people to church and treat them decently as the Epistle of James commands.

Why more than 20 states have outlawed LGBTQ ‘conversion therapy’ — and why the Supreme Court is now considering overturning those bans
Mainstream medicine, psychology and psychiatry have rejected the practice of trying to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Whenever I see two women holding hands in public I assume they are chasing men and trying to attract attention or affection from men. Otherwise why act like that in front of men?

Likewise I assume "gay" men have relationships with women that they are actively concealing. It's a term that describes the singles lifestyle in general. There is very little biological evidence that homosexuality actually exists. A bar or nightclub is sometimes called "gay" (or "lame") if a man doesn't find any interesting women there.

Same-sex people or even opposite-sex people are more often than not "just friends" even if they are very close. Without getting into the science of who is attracted to whom.

Mental health therapy with obnoxious service of process and summons to appear in a court of law simply isn't necessary.

It's hard to believe but the Bible says the Sodomites really were wicked and sinners and that they really did commit abomination before the Lord. The pagans of that time were quite willing to live and let live with the homosexual relationships if that would have been all that it was. But it is said that they had iron bedsteads, ​​their feet were cut off if they were too tall, and they were stretched out limb from limb on a rack if they were too short.