Child sexual mutilators are in court

Almost too horrifying to be reported in the mainstream media

Mass marketed surgery of some sort is being offered “below the belt” at a low-class strip mall pædiatric gender clinic level.

Here come the lawsuits: Washington’s AG sues to undo Trump’s ban on child sexual mutilation
By TJ MARTINELL | THE CENTER SQUARE Washington Attorney General Nick Brown on Thursday filed a multi-state lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning gender reassignment procedures, such as mastectomies and puberty blockers, on children. Trump’s EO states that “it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the […]

It’s not exactly clear what these doctors are doing or why, but it is clear that something is horribly, horribly wrong, and they are cloaking their horrible deeds with bizarre language, colorful figures of speech and bland affirmatives.

The medical operations being proposed are gruesome. One might imagine for instance reconstructive surgery offered for a dog bite, but it is almost unheard of for a dog or even a wolf or a bear or a Siberian tiger, or any beast of the forest, no matter how savage, to bite or maul or mutilate another living being in the private parts so cruelly and dishonorably.

Forget about keeping men out of women’s sports for a moment. That is merely the bread-and-circuses Mafia take on it. It is something horribly painful, for life. It cannot possibly be to enable the patients’ sexual pleasure, so who is the sexual surgery intended to gratify?

In nearly all cases when someone is “transgender” there is another person of the same birth sex whose lust the patient is being tortured and mutilated for failing to satisfy.

Childhood friends? Fake friends? Schoolyard bullies? Lascivious adult? Best friends forevers? The BDSM crowd and the cop-shop trash? The police unions? Where is love and family? Why are sexual fetishes and secret torture showing up? We have too many Catholic immigrants again. It’s the same old medieval church of eunuchs and castrated choirboys, with the same old exaggerated sense of purity, chastity, holiness and eternal virginity, backsliding into all the worst of the worst of its medieval vices. These are the fringe groups of Catholic-associated health care in America, of course, but the Democrat-voting Catholics have always demanded access to abortions, and all manner of associated vice in the OB/GYN department.