“Chronically homeless”

There’s an employment restriction system in place. The word “chronic” suggests time, namely time in prison, or what preachers call “temporal.”

Otherwise, people drift, not all minorities, plenty of whites. People bum around, live on the cheap, move on if they don’t find anything to their liking in the city or any way to make money to live on.

What is being offered in any given city, and what is being charged for it? What are the restrictions, mandates, terms and conditions imposed by labor unions that prevent homeless people from being employed or earning money?

Majority of Seattle’s chronically homeless originate elsewhere: Think tank survey - Washington Examiner
(The Center Square) – According to data, an overwhelming majority of homeless people in the Seattle-King County area in Washington state are not originally from the area, but the high costs of living in the region could be a factor in their becoming homeless. The Seattle-based public policy think tank Discovery Institute conducted a spring

A lot of homeless people do get jobs, but not all of those jobs (unrepresented jobs offered to poor folks by wealthy labor unions) support family or marriage, there’s a certain societal decay with pimps for preachers and whores in church, and most “services” offered to homeless people involve the dealing the same old street drugs to them with some sheen of legitimacy or under some color of law.

Unionized and labor-represented working people who presently have jobs generally do everything in their power to knock others’ skills, résumés and CVs out of the arena of competition. Someone who gets hired and someone who does not in the same situation are not going to be best of friends.

Essentially all medical or health care services offered to homeless or low-income people are scams of the worst sorts of medical quackery, malpractice, unauthorized human experimentation, waste, fraud and abuse. It’s all poor man’s health care or feel-good medicine on the cheap.

Many people are homeless because their reputations are trashed by dirty cops, corrupt judges, and rotten shrinks with obnoxious service of process in court over mental health and related matters. A few have criminal records because they really are criminals.