Consumer Financial “Protection” Bureau
“This call is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.” And no boycotting Israel.
These people are professionals and they have inside help at all government agencies. Government databases full of information are collected and “accidentally” breached to debt collectors from whom consumers are seeking protection.
¶Days after Trump administration officials fired almost 200 employees at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and ordered the rest to stop their work, a federal judge on Friday ordered a temporary halt to the agency’s dismantling. ¶Lawyers representing the bureau staff’s union filed court papers early Friday seeking a restraining order to prevent what they described as an imminent dismissal of nearly all employees and the deletion of critical agency data from its computer systems.
So instead of shutting down a redundant government debt collection bureau as ordered, the professional creditors and loan sharks are getting desperate and going to court to serve process on alleged debtors.