Did the Nazis really favor gun control?

Or was that a thing of Jews and psychiatrists?

It does not seem that Nazis actually supported gun control, although in many places where the Nazi party platform is published, that is listed falsely among their points. If you shot at them they would shoot back at you. Those are the universal rules of engagement with respect to firearms, not to deny citizens the possession of them in the first place, or to disarm citizens arbitrarily and treat the whole civilian population of disarmed subjects as prisoners on probation or parole.

The History Place - Rise of Adolf Hitler:
The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

A couple of key points being that “all citizens must possess equal rights and duties,” and “to work mentally or physically.” That is simply the human condition, to eat bread by the sweat of one’s brow. There is no room on that platform for psychiatrists to go to court on arbitrary or fabricated concerns to judge particular citizens or certain targeted individuals to have them adjudicated in court to be mentally unfit for work or to deny them the profits or wages of physical labor.

The hatred of “Jews” as such was probably mostly due to the fact that the Germans simply didn’t want their baby boys mutilated.

Germans were workers. If you were working or had a job like everybody else, or even a hobby or something to do, without living high on the hog on ill-gotten gains, you’d really have to go out of your way to deny German blood and insist on being “Jewish” for the sake of being Jewish to offend the Party, but at the same time there were many Jews and/or business owners (generally perceived to be Jews regardless) who didn’t mind their own affairs with respect to workers who agreed to do certain work for certain pay.

Almost all Germans and most white people undoubtedly have a fairly large degree of Jewish ancestry by way of technical lineage since the great Jewish dispersion and resettlement in Germany and Norway among other countries from the time of the destruction of Jerusalem to the fall of the Roman Empire in ancient times. With so many white people arguing whether they are Sephardic or Ashkenazi, and which of them are the most intelligent race, one has to wonder.

The history has been rewritten too many times over to tell.

There were nightclubs with queers and pimps celebrating open victory after WWII, while secretly the Germans were welcomed by Operation Paperclip into the U.S. government with the founding of the National Security Agency, and if the NSA has been blamed for weakening data encryption and security standards on the internet, that is more the FBI, not the NSA.