Does pitchblende cure cancer?

Radioactive uranium ore?

I was in a remote rocky area, must have been a long disused open pit mine of this stuff, I believe. I am not really sure how it happened but many years ago I had been stung by a bee, the bee sting had become a wart, the wart had become cancerous, the cancer had become malignant and gotten into my bloodstream, and I tried to cut out as much of the tumor as I could with a pocket knife but it bled pink blood and I felt very weak. I built a small but very hot campfire of damp wood and coal which I found in the area, and somehow I must have found some of this pitchblende ore and strangely enough thinking it was ordinary coal, I threw it on the fire with the driftwood and coal and burned it, as if somehow it was a slightly harder kind of coal that would treat that cancerous tumor if I burned it. Soon I realized that this was no ordinary fire, but I was out of money and I stayed with the campfire for one hour each day and banked the coals every night, and after a couple of weeks I noticed that the coals had become very rich, and somehow judged that they were ready. I threw a little gasoline on them, and the gasoline ignited and burned rapidly. I threw a little more gasoline, and this time it soaked into the fire and melted down. After about five seconds of the melting down, I became very alarmed because the fire was getting much too hot. Now I happened to be holding an aluminum scrap stick I was using as a poker in the same hand that had the tumor, and I stirred the coals with it and felt the heat and tingling in my hand. Suddenly without even thinking about it I plunged the aluminum poker into the hottest part of the fire, and that immediately quenched the fire with a loud thunderclap and simultaneously burned off the tumor in my hand but left the healthy flesh unharmed. And all this unaware at the time of what I was doing. Then I threw some other trash on the fire, and when it burned there was some residue of yellow powder that looked like sulfur. So this probably is the type of ore that burns really really hot and makes loud explosions if it gets too rich. And then "Pitchblende" means a certain blend or grade of ore and you have be careful that it doesn't get too rich and catch fire.