Does the FBI know what it’s doing?
A general purpose intelligence agency?
Here’s another one. Since when have We The People ever been treated with such contempt?
How does the FBI differ from the Central Intelligence Agency?
“The CIA and FBI are both members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The CIA, however, has no law enforcement function. Rather, it collects and analyzes information that is vital to the formation of U.S. policy, particularly in areas that impact the security of the nation. The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding “U.S. Persons,” a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”
First of all, a law enforcement agency is supposed to investigate and prosecute crime. It has to do so in accordance with the law, and the collection and dissemination of information regarding U.S. persons by a law enforcement agency without a warrant is illegal under the Fourth Amendment. It doesn’t seem that difficult. We the people see serious organized crime, and violent crime, white collar crimes, etc. of federal jurisdiction being committed all around us constantly. It can’t be that difficult to get a warrant on probable cause to investigate and prosecute those federal crimes.
But FBI agents, by inviting themselves to “the intelligence community” without a warrant, have gotten into the general business of not minding their own business, and meddling in other people’s business, rather than fighting crime. Everything an FBI Special Agent does, he or she needs to appear in U.S. court with all the evidence, due process, chain of custody, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, with all due respect for the rights of the accused, to put criminals in prison without destroying the lives of innocent people. They should not be collecting extraneous information or have any distractions from their duties to investigate and prosecute crime in accordance with the due process of law.
If the information isn’t relevant to prosecuting a crime in pursuance of a warrant based on probable cause and testimony under oath or affirmation, then the FBI should not be collecting it. Otherwise agents are at work, browsing non-work-related websites, or reading “NSFW” materials for their own amusement.