European elites inadvertently reveal their hostility and enmity to U.S. Republicans
And suddenly they are scrambling for loss of face
¶"I'm very glad that President Macron has called our leaders to Paris," Sikorski said, adding that he expects the European leaders to discuss "in a very serious fashion" the challenges posed by U.S. President Donald Trump. ¶"President Trump has a method of operating which the Russians call «razvedka boyem» —reconnaissance through battle: You push and you see what happens, and then you change your position. ... And we need to respond," the Polish minister said.
Macron calls emergency European summit on Trump, Polish minister says
It was not immediately clear which European leaders would be invited to the emergency meeting.

Macron hates Trump even more than Nancy Pelosi does, and all of the various “Democratic” or “Socialist” political parties in Europe, are, surprise, surprise, aligned with the U.S. Democrat Party Axis.
This is why white people who are not living in Europe are so concerned about the future of the white race. The entire continent of their ancestral homeland is at risk of being destroyed as a result of white wokeness and labor-unionism and pandering to women and minorities.