Intelligentsia and illuminati at local coffee shops, bookstores and libraries
Toothless intellectuals and the disarmed proletariat
Is that you? Obviously you are not harming anyone if you are one of those people. But don’t. Don’t be one of those people. Don’t be like them. If there’s a devil in a coffee cup, that angry drunken crowd is probably coming mostly from the bar next door, having drunk plenty of beer and hard liquor, wine if they’re foodies or cheese fans.
Nevertheless, you should be aware of how you might be perceived by them, knowing full well you are minding your own business, and they very likely are not. Don’t be a “hacker” — don’t be seen with a Linux or BSD desktop or anything with a terminal window or a command line in public — and don’t be caught reading anything but the popular literature everybody else is reading.
That’s a large number of “woke” people who are very very drunk and very very stupid, and they are easily frightened by anyone who is more intelligent or sober-minded than they are or has the capability of self-defense, with martial arts, guns and knives, etc.