Men’s Rights Activism (MRA)?

Various complaints of discrimination against men.

The chief “men’s rights” complaint is the federal prison sex ratio. This seems legitimate. Only 6.5% of federal prisoners are female, and plenty of female criminals are on the loose, including many female serial killers openly bragging about their “body count” online. Women like Karen “la Muñequa” Rodriguez who was arrested in Colombia wearing a Las Vegas T-shirt.

Federal Bureau of Prisons // BOP // Statistics // Inmate Sex

Every law passed by Congress or by the legislature of any state is passed for the punishment of men into compliance with every jot and tittle of it, and for the fines and prison sentences that may be imposed thereunder. Nearly all federal criminal statutes use the universal “whoever/he” language, and with various changing definitions of pronouns and other terms, “the system” appears largely incapable of holding female criminals accountable for their crimes, and quite deliberately so. This is a system of Mob justice, more or less, “There’s a lady, please take off your hats, gentlemen.”

1 U.S. Code § 1 - Words denoting number, gender, and so forth
US Code - Title 1 > CHAPTER 1 > § 1
... words importing the singular include and apply to several persons, parties, or things; words importing the plural include the singular; words importing the masculine gender include the feminine as well; words used in the present tense include the future as well as the present; the words “insane” and “insane person” shall include every idiot, insane person, and person non compos mentis; the words “person” and “whoever” include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals; ...

However, it’s the incessant heated Catholic arguments over pronouns, by worldly men who go to church and go to court wearing the same dress, which absolutely prohibit the prosecution of female defendants or the use of feminine pronouns for defendants of criminal proceedings in court. Rub your thumb over your fingertips to indicate the amount of money needed in federal court to mount an actual defense to the perfunctory guilty-as-charged criminal charges typically filed against gun owners.

So what types of men is the vaunted Men’s Rights Activism intended to help?

  • Abusive child-molesting alcoholic husbands and deadbeat dads?
  • Alpha males who are not wife-beaters?
  • Beta males whose rights are being violated by females in bed with alpha males?

Beta males are of course pretty much the castrated choirboys of the same Catholic rhetoric which is so often preached in church and prosecuted in court. Men who are so much desired and exhorted by legitimate pimps and law-abiding drug dealers to be so obedient, humble, submissive and hard-working for salvation.

Many Catholic priests earnestly desired to testify sins forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood, but they were not permitted to do so. “Ego te absolvo ...” was all they were permitted to say, and not without the “ego” and not to overstep the bounds of their own authority or to speak falsely for Christ or others.

When the Swedes offer a bottle of Absolut vodka, ​what does that particular establishment of religion have to offer in the way of absolution for sin? Should sin be dissolved in a bottle of tears with no move to better the situation of finding work or to restore the stolen goods and the rights which have for so long been unjustly infringed?

The situation of so-called “beta males” or the cultivation of a “beta male” form of worship is not good. You don’t need to be a boss or a busybody in other men’s matters, but whoever you are, and whatever you do, you have to be the strongest and the best there is at it, and that is the here and now of the self, which must be alpha without compromise: the self that has command of the self.

I would much prefer to think and speak of Men's Rights simply as human rights, since humans are, after all, men, and men do not naturally exclude women and children from their protection, aid and support, and that is not to dismiss any of the legitimate concerns raised by Men's Rights Activists.

There are certain criminal defense lawyers who insist on representing men in such a poor light in court with such false advocacy, as though to cause men in general to be in need of more and more such advocacy. If the men represented by these defense lawyers cannot "man up" in court, then how in the world can any of these lawyers per chance ever represent a woman capable of making her own decisions, without respect of persons or particularly their genders?