More J-6 rioters from the FBI itself!
Whatever it was, it was infiltrated and co-opted by the FBI.
The “Qanon Shaman” dude with the cattle-horns dress ourfit and all his buddies must have been doing drugs. The hair dyes, tattoos and piercings in the barbershop district are not particularly “sexy” but intended to exhibit a general familiarity and comfort level with hollow needles and chemicals. What base or carnal human desires are those things intended to gratify or signify, anyway? Those people are getting high on drugs, not looking attractive for sex, except for some of them who might offer sex as a way to get drugs.
Many (if not most) of the J-6 rioters were local and state cops or former cops, probably even a few military cops, such as the one who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. Now hundreds of FBI agents are reportedly “investigating” the rioters. They need only look in the mirror to find the real culprits. FBI Special Agents were seen in many news reports acting as «agents provocateurs» for various faux conservative “cop shop” causes around the nation.
Remember the “cop city” thing in Atlanta? It was an unruly, disorganized lawless mob of law enforcers.