Nightclubs and mental hospitals
What they have in common as venues that offer “normalcy” and attract the “LGBT” crowd
We have to be really vague about the “LGBT” crowd. All nightclubs are always full of queers. And with enough nightclubbers and bar-hoppers, that’s the crowd that it is and identifies itself as such, at any and all nightclubs and similar alternative venues. It’s a crowd and everything is subject to a popular reductio ad absurdum. Simple logic says women fight when they don’t each have their own husband. Bitter competition for opposite-sex mates cannot and does not lead to love and affection between or among same-sex competitors. “Gay” men likewise become jealous and angry when they see another man with a woman, whether or not they are in denial of having their eye on the woman in that case. There’s an evolutionary reality of any species of higher animal that reproduces, and the Bible tells us no different from the history of Sodom and Gomorrah.
There are numerous arguments and dissimulations of etiquette about pronouns and various genders and related semantics but the only common or logically plausible theme to the “LGBT” thing is that people are having sex or selling sex or desiring to have sex. And in a very broad sense, they are single people, not married in any traditional sense, living the singles’ lifestyle, and it is impossible that “homosexuality” should exist except in some cases as an extreme form of social control and denial of normal socialization between men and women, e.g., the obnoxious service of process in court so often associated with mental health allegations, and sometimes even so far as to impose horrible forms of disfiguring or disabling surgery to remove or destroy the sexual organs of another person of the same sex who is in competition for mates of the opposite sex in the same “community.”
When people “have sex” without marriage or love or any other particular qualifications of the circumstances, there is “plain old prostitution” and very little or nothing else, because “LGBT” in reality does not exist except as lies and fairy tales told to children.
Prostitution leads to arson as unwanted and jealous ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends become disaffected by the pimps and madams of the Establishment and seek to destroy their houses of prostitution at all costs, as such houses would indeed by destroyed by the law if the arsonists didn’t get to them first.