FAA learns to get off the property Meeting and greeting pilots and drug dealers isn’t always an advantage.
Tranny-chasing governors and mayors Appeasing their own adult fetishes by making children feel uncomfortable
Old-fashioned quack cures, patent medicines, and compounding pharmacies The weight loss industry. Anything but diet and exercise.
Time for government creeps and thugs to get off the property Commies and comrades who won’t stay off of private property
Wholesale robbery, theft and embezzlement of the Alaska Permanent Fund with numerous false accusations of fraud on the part of applicants And what a bunch of crooks, liars and thieves they all are in Juneau, who seized all the money for themselves, their political cronies and their gun-grabbing law buddies!
People work out, exercise, get in shape, feel sexy and healthy Or what's the point of going to the gym?
Will Donald Trump’s Executive Order be of any assistance to gun owners? Not until all hell breaks loose at the ATF.
Are Europe and Canada strong-arming America? The war of Europe’s “Christian” Democrat Union and Canada’s Liberal Party on the United States