Are Europe and Canada strong-arming America? The war of Europe’s “Christian” Democrat Union and Canada’s Liberal Party on the United States
More trans mutilation and disfigurement of kids Dirty doctors are catering to awful parents whose sick proclivities cannot be contained.
European elites inadvertently reveal their hostility and enmity to U.S. Republicans And suddenly they are scrambling for loss of face
“Chronically homeless” There’s an employment restriction system in place. The word “chronic” suggests time, namely time in prison, or what preachers call “temporal.”
What sort of “workers” strike on Valentine’s Day? Sex workers and their heavily bearded pimps who work for the state government
Consumer Financial “Protection” Bureau “This call is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.” And no boycotting Israel.
The Alaska–Israel employment blacklists, gun bans, passport seizures and Canada travel restrictions Or, the anti-boycott boycotts, whatever you want to call them