Out-and-proud lesbian or “far-right” leader? Or are the left and right swapped in Germany? Or do we have a reverse reading of political orientation in Europe?
Prohibition in “dry” towns and villages in Alaska Where big label alcohol labels are forbidden and bootlegging is rampant.
Wanna bet a few old ladies who were ‘regulars’ were flapping their jaws at each Joann retail location? Court documents are showing up and there’s an exaggerated sense of what’s “appropriate” versus “inapproprate” ... whatever in particular may or may not have been mentioned in court.
The stars want AI severely curtailed by law But the threat of AI-generated artistic human likenesses is overstated
At least some credit to Israeli police For having any standards at all for what's taught to children, but plenty of other issues unresolved
Lesbianism is all a lie: planes, trains, buses and automobiles The biological reality and the human condition are denied in woke alcohol- marijuana- and drug- fueled idealism