Rotgut liquor on the market
Wholesale Medical Misdiagnosis, “Jake Leg,” Idiopathic Blindness, Diabetic Neuropathy, Poliomyelitis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Cerebral Palsy, Pancreatic Cancer, Delirium Tremens, etc. etc.
It is not always clear that “alcohol” or “pure ethanol” is the main poison at play, although that substance does play a big role as such: granted, it is poisonous, carcinogenic, teratogenic, addictive, habit-forming, and so on and so forth.
The cultures that ferment traditional alcoholic beverages tend to become contaminated when alcohol has been brewed in the same area for long periods of time, about 100 years or so. Wine is said to be “corked” when beer turns bad, and bread verges from sourdough to something that sets one’s teeth on edge.
“Methanol” or “wood alcohol” appears in greater proportions with the “ethanol” or “grain alcohol” in yeast-fermented beverages. Other poisons, drugs, teratogenic and carcinogenic compounds also show up and begin to dominate the flavors and essences which had been characteristic of brand-name distilled liquors and non-alcoholic syrups. Foods are “off” and rife with strange preservatives, and some brands of processed foods just don’t taste the same way they used to anymore.
Do we have normal lifespans left to live? Most people do, because whatever is normal is normal, and poisons turn a person’s stomach. Poisons are not pleasurable. Who seeks them out and why?