The prospect of a 2nd Mexican–American war has arrived
Since the 1st Mexican–American War was fought 1846–1848
The amassing of foreign troops on the southern border of the U.S., and the diplomatically stated demands that we give up our guns constitute an open hostility which cannot be a friendly response to the tariffs being imposed by President Donald Trump.

Mexico is calling on the U.S. to do more to stop the trafficking of firearms sold in the U.S. going to Mexico.
And what a vicious, abominable lie on Mexico’s part, to falsely accuse Americans of trafficking firearms to Mexico as if we would give our guns up to them so willingly and easily!
No. Mexico has long been in control of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco among other agencies of our government and especially local police stations and courthouses near the border through a system of lucrative bribes and threats to the lives of U.S., state and local officials known as la ley de plata o plomo, or “the law of silver or lead,” that is, “Accept the bribes and shut up, or else you will take the bullet and be killed!” by ranking cártel members.