They work closely together but you don't see their names together

Democrat judges and Democrat-appointed gun-grabbing district attorneys

S. Lane Tucker, Biden-nominated U.S. attorney for the District of Alaska and Pamela Hicks, former general counsel for the ATF:

Eagle River Man Arrested for Trafficking Firearms - Alaska Native News
An Eagle River man was arrested Tuesday in Illinois on criminal charges related to his alleged trafficking of firearms from Alaska to California. According to court documents, Cornelius Leon William Smith, 32, purchased 9 firearms on behalf of other individuals while falsely stating that he was the true purchaser, bought a gun in […]
  • Engaging in the Business of Dealing Firearms Without a License?
  • Transferring a Firearm to an Out-of-State Resident?
  • False Statement During Purchase of Firearms?

Nobody has yet explained satisfactorily to the people why or how any of this activity can possibly be construed as “illegal” in pursuance of the Constitution. Guns (arms) are legal and legally protected by the Second Amendment, and the people's rights to possess (keep) and carry (bear) them and necessarily to deal in them at large without government interference are unalienable and uninfringeable. Legal products are legal regardless of questions and answers at the time of purchase, as long as they are bought and paid for. You don't need to have your fingerprints taken or be married or engaged to buy or sell firearms. Gun-grabbing Democrats and RINOs are filing and entertaining patently false charges in court against law-abiding gun owners.

Michael J. Heyman appointed as U.S. Attorney for Alaska on interim basis
Michael J. Heyman has been appointed interim U.S. Attorney for Alaska. With 24 years of legal experience, he will serve for 120 days or until a Senate-confirmed nominee takes over.