Too many Catholic immigrants
And a veep into secret societies and fraternal orders
Look. There’s God, Family, Country.
Otherwise, keep ’em out. I don’t want to hear that Pig Latin mumbo jumbo in my country. Well, that’s Vance’s job. Or maybe he’s onto them. Some Latin phrase, “Just Google it” on X//Twitter, and all the mainstream media are slobbering with excitement over the medieval servitude.
“Now he is a man of just and holy life who ... neither loves what he ought not to love, nor fails to love what he ought to love, nor loves that more which ought to be loved less, nor loves that equally which ought to be loved either less or more, nor loves that less or more which ought to be loved equally, ...”
There are too many medieval church fags with associated vice, and the Jewish rabbis and Talmudic scholars of the same period were just as bad. That’s not a man who loves a woman being called a “saint” in any case. There is far too much lower lip, servitude and bondage to all that medieval discourse for reasonable people to tolerate it, and all of modern Europe has been backsliding into medieval vice lately.