Why are so many Christian churches operated as kibbutzim communities?

Are these people Christians or Jews or Pagans or do they have any religion at all?

Who’s in charge here? People speak of “temporal surveillance” as if the earthly surveillance and spying they conduct on behalf of men who gather in the back room of a church basement on Wednesday nights when the moon is full is eternal on behalf of God Almighty.

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
— 1 Corinthians 14:34

And how many wicked females are there who never cease flapping their stupid jaws in any given “community” of this sort? Why are they being permitted to serve illegitimate legal process on unwary travelers and unsuspecting parishioners?

What’s up with all the trespass orders and restraining orders and no-contact orders from self-righteous lesbians and their homosexual male enforcers?

Are brothers and sisters in Christ permitted to meet and greet one another with unfeigned and unforced affection and not be accused of fornication or adultery or incest or sexual harassment or mental illness?

If not, then, when in Rome, ... , Ciao!

Those who been busybodies in other men’s matters and gone to court to destroy innocent lives with their slanderous reports and simulated legal process will need to pay in court and in jail and prison for the damages that they did in court.

There are certain limits we have to set to the encroachments of communities of socialites and busybodies on human lives. First is on the tolerance of the said communities for local police corruption and organized criminal medical quackery. Second is on their lack of respect for gun rights. Third is on the propensity of city-hall- and county-administration-affiliated organized criminal associates toward small-town litigiousness, real estate fraud, and obnoxious service of process on general principle of vice related to arbitrary mental or behavioral health claims in court.

What happened to the kingship of Christ?